Obagi Hydrate 1.7-ounce Facial Moisturizer by Obagi

                        Obagi Hydrate 1.7-ounce Facial Moisturizer

by Obagi

To preserve the health of your skin, it's vital to use a high-quality moisturizer on a regular basis. This cream contains natural shea butter, mango butter, avocado and hydromantic to deliver long-lasting moisture and prevent dehydration. Obagi Hydrate is formulated to keep your skin soft and beautiful. Combine it with other wonderful Obagi skin products to create a beauty regimen that keeps you looking youthful and gorgeous for years to come.


  • Delivers long-lasting moisture
  • Reduces the effects of aging and sun damage
  • 1.7 ounces of cream
  • Includes natural ingredients such as shea butter, mango butter, and avocado as well as glycerin to help combat skin dryness
